Conference proceedings book has been released

Publishing House Virtus Interpress is happy to release the conference proceedings book titled "Corporate governance: Participants, mechanisms and performance" edited by Throstur Olaf Sigurjonsson, Alexander Kostyuk, and Dmytro Govorun.

This conference was organized by the team of Virtus GCCG together with the Publishing House Virtus Interpress. The conference proceedings book is dedicated to new trends that are currently shaping the concept of modern corporate governance. The conference abstracts investigate, among others, such issues as board of directors practices, accounting, auditing, corporate ownership and control, banking, ESG, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, earnings management, economic growth, digitalization, artificial intelligence, innovation, etc. The conference participants point out that the corporate governance landscape has continuously evolved, and new perspectives and challenges have emerged; some of them have become general trends, while others are likely to continue to shape corporate governance in the near future.

A total of 56 authors from differents countries of the world, such as Greece, Italy, UK, USA, China, Brazil, Canada, Iceland, North Macedonia, Australia, Belgium, Lithuania, Türkiye, etc., have participated in the conference. Conference presenters and conference discussants, took an active part in the conference forum discussion and provided about 250 comments with a deep analysis of the materials presented at the conference.

The conference proceedings book contains not only materials of the conference presenters but also a full list of comments generated by the conference participants during the forum discussion as well as a set of infographics with very useful statistics about the conference forum.

The conference proceedings book is Open Access, all conference materials will be downloaded to the platform by January 20, 2024, and will be found here.

The full conference proceedings book , that includes all the conference materials, conference forum discussion, conference infographics, conference forum discussants index, may be downloaded here.

The detailed information about the book may be found at the webpage of books released by Virtus Interpress here.