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Noralv Veggeland ORCID logo


The overarching theme of this paper is institutional analysis of basic characteristics of regulatory regimes. The concepts of path dependence and administrative traditions are used throughout. Self-reinforcing or positive feedback processes in political systems represent a basic framework. The
empirical point of departure is the EU public procurement directive linked to OECD data concerning use of outsourcing among member states. The question is asked: What has caused the Nordic countries, traditionally not belonging to the Anglo-Saxon market-centred administrative tradition, to
be placed so high on the ranking as users of the Market-Type Mechanism (MTM) of outsourcing in the public sector vs. in-house provision of services? A thesis is that the reason may be complex, but might be found in an innovative Scandinavian regulatory approach rooted in the Nordic model.

Keywords: Regulatory Regimes, Path Dependence, Administrative Tradition, Outsourcing, Innovation

How to cite this paper: Veggeland, C. (2013). Characteristics of regulatory regimes. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 2(1), 44-56.